Creating a Blog with Hugo and Obsidian

Erik A | Jul 3, 2024 min read

Creating a blog with static websites is very easy.

This is particularly easy if you are familiar with markdown and use tools like Obsidian. All you need to do is leverage a tool like DigitalOcean to deploy a Hugo template.

With this template, a foundation for a blog is available for you to modify yourself.

Let’s do it!

Required Tools: Git, hugo cli

Getting up to Speed with Hugo

  1. Find a theme.
  2. hugo new site <name-of-site>
  3. cd <name-of-site>
  4. git submodule add --depth=1{GITHUB_THEME_USER}/{GITHUB_THEME}.git themes/{GITHUB_THEME}
    1. Example: git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod
  5. Ensure that you have updated the parameters of your config.toml
    1. theme = PaperMod
  6. Run the app
    1. hugo server

Push to Git

# Create a new repository on the command line
git init
git add
git commit -m "init commit"
git remote add origin{user}/{repository}.git
git push -u origin main
# Push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin{user}/{repository}.git
git push -u origin main

Add A Post

  1. Run the command: hugo new post/<name-of-post>.md
  2. Open in Obsidian
  3. Write your post!
  4. Push to Git

Leverage DigitalOcean to Deploy

  1. Create or sign into a DigitalOcean account
  2. Navigate to Manage ➡️ Apps ➡️ Create App
  3. Select your Github Provider
  4. Select the repository
  5. DigitalOcean will automatically recognize the app is a Hugo app
  6. Select Next ➡️ Skip to Review
  7. Ensure the Routes value is /
  8. Select Create Resources
  9. The app will now deploy to a DigitalOcean Url


With that, we can have an easy, markdown-driven blog that is completely free.